::: Paper submission for ICMSMT 2025 is OPEN now :::

ICMSMT 2025 (Seventh edition)

Materials science and manufacturing process is one of the significant symbols of modern day’s high-tech revolution. The technological developments in the materials science paves the road for advancements in materials science and manufacturing technology across the world. Materials are the key factor for the emerging industries of all kind. In order for new material to get the actual application, exquisite preparation and manufacturing must be processed. No doubt manufacturing is critical in every walk of life. With rapid development computer technology, communications technology and network technology, traditional manufacturing process has evolved to intelligent manufacturing which is more intelligent, more precision and more efficiency. The scope of the 2025 Seventh International Conference on Materials Science and Manufacturing Technology (ICMSMT 2025) is to provide a forum for researchers, scientists, academicians, scholars and practitioners around the world to present papers on recent developments in the broad fields of Materials Sciences and Manufacturing Technology. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Materials Science, Engineering and Manufacturing. ICMSMT 2025 is jointly organized by Akshaya College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India and Diligentec Solutions, Coimbatore, India. The conference will be held during 26 – 27, June 2025 at Akshaya College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. The conference will be held in HYBRID MODE. Click here for the poster of ICMSMT 2025

The ICMSMT series aims for a great gathering of both industrial and academic professional from across the world in the fields of materials science and manufacturing technology. It provides a major forum for the exchange of information among practicing professionals from all over the globe in the areas of greater importance such as Materials and Manufacturing.


Proceedings of ICMSMT 2025 will be published in the following periodicals based on author’s preferences and scope of the journals.

Option 1: Trans Tech Publications* (https://www.scientific.net
1. Materials Science Forum (MSF) periodical (Indexed in Scopus, EI Compendex, Inspec, etc)
2. Key Engineering Materials (KEM) periodical (Indexed in Scopus, EI Compendex, Inspec, etc)
3. Defect and Diffusion Forum (DDF) periodical (Indexed in Scopus, EI Compendex, Inspec, etc)
4. Solid State Phenomena (SSP) Periodical (Indexed in Scopus, EI Compendex, Inspec, etc)
5. Advances in Science and Technology (AST) Periodical (Indexed in Scopus, EI Compendex, Inspec, etc)
5. Advanced Materials Research (AMR) periodical (Indexed in UGC CARE LIST)
Option 2: IOP Science
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering – https://iopscience.iop.org/journal/1757-899X (Indexed in Web of Science, Inspec, etc )
**Please see the bottom for the special issues of ICMSMT Conference series published in the above issue and journals

How to submit your paper?

Soft copy of the full length manuscripts (in .pdf format) shall be submitted to icmsmtoffice@gmail.com. Please mention your preference of publication (either MSF or IOP) in the body of the email while submitting your manuscript.

IOP MSE – Upload your paper in the Editorial System for IOP : Materials Science and Engineering

Trans Tech Publications – Upload your paper for Materials Science Forum (MSF/KEM/SSP/DDF) 

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